Giving You The Knowledge & Tools To Provide Quality Care With Confidence
Rural and remote community care services face unique challenges. In a time when consumers are coming to expect more from their service providers, how can your organisation give them the best possible care?
Running a community care centre in rural and remote parts of Australia is certainly not one of the easiest jobs. Providing quality care in an environment that can be hot, humid, flooded, burning up due to bush fires or torn apart by cyclones presents some unique situations. Not to mention the everyday tasks such as ordering food that has to be transported several hundred kilometres, recruiting staff who perhaps aren’t used to working ‘out bush,’ or getting clients the medical help they need when the nearest hospital is a five-hour drive away.
It’s a lot to manage on your own and we haven’t even mentioned the multitudes of other daily tasks a manager deals with.
On top of all this, you are accountable to those above you – upper management, board members, directors, the government. They have targets you need to meet, paperwork you have to fill out, meetings you have to attend. You need to make sure your service meets industry standards; hands up those who have failed a Quality Review? It’s not a nice feeling.
Being a community care manager in rural and remote parts of Australia can sometimes feel like the most overwhelming and isolated job in the world. Where do you get support when you don’t understand the budgeting of a program? Who explains a new process to you in a way you can understand, such as referring clients to the My Aged Care Portal? How do you pass your next Quality Review with flying colours? What are these New Standards that everyone is talking about this year? How do you implement them into your service?
If this sounds like you, don’t panic. You aren’t the only one.
There are plenty of others who feel just like you, who feel isolated, overwhelmed and stressed.
But it doesn’t HAVE to feel this way. You CAN get the support to become a stronger manager.

But first, let’s think about what happens if you don’t get the support you need.
- You’ll continue to struggle with the day-to-day running of your service.
- Your job will become less and less enjoyable and much more stressful.
- Your clients, who are at the centre of your role, will suffer because you just won’t have the time to devote to making sure they are getting everything they need.
- Staff members might quit, feeling like they aren’t getting the support THEY need from YOU.
- Quality Reviews will be a nightmare.
In the end, you will leave the job feeling drained, stressed and unsatisfied.
You took the job for a good reason. Don’t let it get the better of you. Remote aged care management has its challenges, but it is also hugely rewarding if you have the right tools and support to do the job to the best of your ability.
You don’t have to do it all alone.
Last year, CDCS responded to a request from aged care managers and established a program specifically aimed at supporting rural and remote services.
We saw some amazing results for each of the managers and their organisations that joined the program. They were able to improve not only themselves, but their services and the lives of their clients.
We called the program the
Inner Circle MasterMind
What did the 2018 participants have to say about the
Inner Circle MasterMind?
What have you achieved as a direct result of being a part of this program?
- 150% growth in program revenue
- Development of a more effective service and staffing model
- Passing Quality Reviews on the first visit
- Having a more solid and sustainable aged care program with clear direction for moving forward
- A better understanding of the financial elements of programs
What was the best part of being in the MasterMind group?
“Even though I’m taking two days out of the office, I’m still doing work and I wouldn’t necessarily do this work if I wasn’t removed from the office for a two-day forum. I just can’t focus like this if I’m in the office.”
“There’s nothing else like this for us.”
“Rebuilding and strengthening relationships. Learning about the new standards. Re-establishing 90-day plans.”
“The presentations were seamless, the complementary skills and knowledge between the two presenters was amazing.”
“The concentration of information and the work you do in two days and the knowledge you consume, because everyone is putting in.”
“Talking to other people that have the same issues or have already done what I’m trying to do.”
“Being able to be proactive and not running around tearing my hair out and pulling all-nighters.”
“This isn’t just about me – they (Board Members) can see we are working and what I can bring back.”
“It’s an investment… it motivates you and the amount you can accomplish is highly worth it.”
“I have learnt more in the last two days than in the last two weeks.”
– New Community Care Manager & ICMM Participant

Who is the MasterMind for?
If you are a community care manager in a rural or remote setting, then this program is for you. You’re in the right place if you feel there is a lack of opportunity to network with peers or to access relevant, targeted training and support that addresses your unique challenges and situation.
People may be at varying levels of experience – and that’s okay. Everyone can make a unique contribution. In fact, people with less experience sometimes have a more open ‘learner’s mind’ and this can bring fresh ideas and solid questions to the table when working through issues.
Who is the MasterMind NOT for?
This MasterMind is NOT for people who just want to gripe about how tough their job is. If you are not able to open your mind, listen to and learn from others in the group, then you are not yet ready for this.
What will you get from joining this program?
The Inner Circle MasterMind is a group of like-minded community care managers seeking to improve their workplace, client satisfaction, service outcomes and their own job performance.
We gather four times over the course of the year for 2 days of intensive work on your community care business, working through issues raised by you and your peers – problems that YOU have identified. Ideas, suggestions and support are offered in a safe environment. These forums happen in Alice Springs and Darwin to make it easier for not only you to attend, but also Directors and Board Members to come to specific sessions relevant to them.
You will have access to our extensive and constantly growing online library of resources. Participation in the MasterMind grants you Platinum CDCS membership – this provides access to everything on the membership site, available for you to download as needed. Current resources include Policy and Procedure templates, Toolbox Talks, Info Shares, management tools, eBooks and much more. There is also an exclusive Inner Circle MasterMind member-only section which will contain handouts, resources and recordings that not even regular Platinum members have access to.
We also conduct regular online linkups to discuss trending topics in the industry. They are also a great opportunity for live Q&A with the group without having to wait for the 2-day forums.
Just have a quick question in between face-to-face events or need some direction on where to find information? We have a hotline for MasterMind members – give us a call and get your burning questions answered.
Plus, because we had such great feedback on the provision of the additional one-day staff workshops, we will be running these again this year in both Alice Springs and Darwin.
What’s your investment?
If you’ve read through this page and made it to this point, then you’re probably where you’re meant to be. It’s time to make a decision.
You could continue to work without support, figure it all out for yourself, learn as you go – and that’s fine. Some people prefer that.
However, if you’d like the opportunity to work with others who understand your circumstances, who’ve gone through the struggles you’re facing and can offer the exact training and tools you need to level up your service and give your clients the quality care they deserve, then you’re going to have to do something different.
The Inner Circle MasterMind 3rd quarter intake is open for applications for the July-September 2019 period.
You can grow and improve your service for just $2,457 including GST.
You need to act quickly – places are limited. Our third 2-day forum is on 22nd and 23rd August in Alice Springs. We have some fantastic guest speakers and topics lined up and we’d love to see you there!

Our Guarantee
We believe that you and your organisation will benefit on so many levels from your participation in this program. To alleviate your concerns, we offer a money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with the program or don’t find it a good match for your needs, you can cancel at any time within the first 90 days and the balance of your payment will be refunded.
Interested in the Inner Circle MasterMind?
The MasterMind is only open to new applicants for a short time and places are limited. There is no obligation to join the MasterMind at this point, but we can’t answer your questions unless you reach out. Enter your contact details below and we will get in touch with more information.